Tax and consulting - introduction

PRIORITAS is a consulting company specialised in tax and transactional advisory services. We provide our clients with the unrivalled package of tax consulting, international taxes, tax structuring, planning and optimizations, mergers and acquisitions, trust services supported with flexible accounting. In the area of accounting we provide our clients with accounting service according to Czech GAAP and IFRS.

We are experienced in advisory for industry, construction and development, trade and services, international trade taxation, creation and maintanance of holding structures, private equity investments and we focus on colective investment and funds of qualified investors, the investment tool, which forms a suitable alternative to international tax optimization and allow to achieve 5% corporate income taxation in Czech Republic.

We are tax advisers, a natural part of our work is to postpone the date for filing tax returns and also insurance activities of tax advisers. We speak English, Greek, French, German and Russian. We are present in the Czech Republic, United Kingdom, in Cyprus and in Hongkong.